Re: TIB: lots of help needed


Re: TIB: lots of help needed

kimo schrieb:
> Ok you BASIC junkies.  I need some help.  
> I have a TI-85.
> I'm trying to write a program that will find all the unknowns of a triangle
> if given all known data.  I know, there are programs already out there like
> that, but i want to write one myself.  
> What i want it to do is...have the person enter everything he/she knows.
> So, i'm going to prompt the user for:
> A=?
> B=?
> C=?
> a=?
> b=?
> c=?
> In case you don't know, the capital letters are for angles and the lower
> case letters are for sides.
> Suppose i have enough data to determine that the triangle is SAS  (side,
> angle, side).
> I'd have to skip 
> B=?
> C=?
> a=?
> in order to make it SAS.  
> Well, i can't skip it just by pressing enter.  I have to enter something
> numeric.  Is there anyway to just bypass that?  You know, just skip it by
> pressing something, without enter data.
There will be no way out
> If there is no way then..
> The other problem is, if i enter 0 (the number) how would i get the
> calculator to recognize that it means nothing.  Mainly, how would i get the
> calculator to recognize everything, but "0's."
I did it (on my hp) using a list for the user entry( that was convenient to 
handle), then I rotated the list in 2 halves( on for angles,one foe sides) 
so I got one of the simple cases sss,ssw,sws,wss, etc), used a potence of two to 
determine the special case(i.e. list[2 powered by i] with i being an index to 
the list and on the result I decided what to do(exactly three computations, a 
list of lists was used). Finally I rotated bachwards and got the results for the 
desired triagle) Btw, the ssw routine itself told me that there had been two 
solutions or even none)
> I want the calculator to recognize that it's SAS by the data given and know
> that "0's" in the prompt are nothing.  That is pretty much my main question.
> My friend is writing one that you tell the calculator which kind of
> triangle it is, but i want the calculator to recognize it by itself.  I
> just wanted to show him up.  =)
At first I did it like that, I had to enter 6,18, 48,ssw for example (on my 
hp28) but I found it was boring, so I decided to rewrite it for my hp48 but I 
haven't had the time to code it for my ti92
> How would i code that?  
> Well, hope you can help.  Thanks a bunch.  I know this is sort of long, sorry!
> Alex
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