Re: TIB: Grant Stockly - List your stuff!!


Re: TIB: Grant Stockly - List your stuff!!

hehehe...troubleshooting ti api is hard...

All             BackupMaster    $10     Gets a backup,          ~$1 of parts
                                        also sends it.
All             Printerface     $10     Printes on serial and   same
                                        parallel printers
All             EuP III         $15     Not gotten permission   same
                                        to sell yet, but it is a
                                        driverless expander.
All             GLClone         $10     I don't own a GL so I   same
                                        have tried for days to
                                        make a clone.  Almost
                                        works.  Also serial controller
                                        for mouse/modem/ect.
All             Expandio                Gives the calc 8 I/O    same
                                        lines instead of 2.
All             MIDICalc                Receives string with    same
                                        sound, then plays a tune
                                        specified in the second

I've got some more, but these are the ones that I'm devolping for Basic and
ASM as well as all calculators...

ILYA!!!  You will be the first to have the driverless expander...  :)