Re: TIB: Re: Wheee


Re: TIB: Re: Wheee

Daniel M Vlacich wrote:
> I can read it fine... May I suggest you get a better monitor? (or a new
> computer if you're using a mac)

Erhm...I'm positioned at a Silicon Graphics O2 Workstation with a 21
inch screen, I think I'll manage.
I asked the guy besides me, and the one behind me, they do not find it
easy to read near-white text on that background either.
I am sorry to say this, but I think that _you_ are the one in need of a
new monitor.
...Or perhaps you are white-black colourblind? :-)
Maybe the reason you find it easy to read is that you _know_ what it
says already...?

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
'How is my lovemaking?
Unmatched '.

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