TIB: Ideas.. (BJE)


TIB: Ideas.. (BJE)

> Another cool idea would be for all us
> to write a compiler that emulates the ti basic language for win95 or
> dos! That would be quite fun and very educational. 

> Christopher MacDougald

(sorry to chop up what you wrote, still makes sence though..)

Intresting idea. Iv'e already given then 'get calcuator on pc' some 

The idea of writing an entire new language and compiler for the PC is a 
bit daunting (hey, 1st year computer scientist here!) but how about a 
conversion program?

I have been programing in C++ for about 6 months and i can see that it 
(probally) could be done....

Consider, what command on the calcuator can not be matched to a command 
in c++?

Using the Dos extensions <Cinio.h> and such (as i say, i am new to this 
and so cant write proper windows programs) the keyboard could be 
mapped. Using 'for' we can get, ahem, 'for' ect. ect.

For the more obscure commands (i own a TI-83, so i wont even 
try to work round other platforms!) eg.


a sepetate subprogram could be written- getting a char array, and using 
it to call appropite math terms to get the resultent equ (not easy, but 



In fact all you need to do is write a program which takes an asci (with 
the '/' so it can be read!) TI-83 file and writes a c++ file...Then 
copmile the C++ program and hey, Bobs your uncle (he is acually, but 
thats a different story)

You see what i mean...I just thought id' share that, incase you haddent 
seen that particuallr route...

Bill J Ellis

Bill James Ellis
Heriot-Watt University
