Re: TIB: Re: Wheee
Re: TIB: Re: Wheee
Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
> At 09:10 PM 2/10/98 -0500, you wrote:
> >"Nobody will ever need more than 640k RAM!" -- Bill Gates, 1981
> >"Windows 95 needs at least 8 MB RAM." -- Bill Gates, 1996
> >"Nobody will ever need Windows 95." -- logical conclusion
> hahahahahahahahaha, I love it! I am about to die laughing! Is it okay for
> me to include this in my signature file, plaster this on my locker at
> school, and make a T-shirt out of it, etc., etc.
Have you seen the
It's the clip where Bill Gates gets hit by THREE (COUNT THEM :-) THREE
pies in a row! It's absolutely marvelous. Best accompanied by some funk
music and a mediaplayer that supports scrolling the movie back and forth
(to make an effect that goes *splat* rewind *splat* rewind ... over the
part where the first one hits him, in tact with the funk of course :-)
Rene Kragh Pedersen
'How is my lovemaking?
Unmatched '.