Re: TIB: SGI vs Sun vs Cry (was re:unsubscribe)


Re: TIB: SGI vs Sun vs Cry (was re:unsubscribe)

Good point man!  85's shape rocks :-) (just my personal
opinion) (Some AOL Lamer) wrote:

> > 3. Curvy shape is annoying
> I REALLY HATE the curvy shape too. After a few hours on an 85, the
> 86 looks much uglier and very curvy. Hello Flinn -- (he is my god.)
> Did you know: Saturn's elliptical orbit has sudenly changed shape.
> The new orbit is in the path of an almost-perfect diamond. Please
> remember to be anchored down around 25:00 on the 32nd as
> that is the approximate time Saturn will reach a corner. I wouldn't
> want anyone hurdling needlessly into space.

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