Re: TIB: pxl-testing


Re: TIB: pxl-testing

Tavis Segura wrote:
> > > The 83 is snooty, so if you write an 82 prog and want it to run on
> > > '83, CLose those parens.  I have a 92, and it's an easy habit to
> > > break w/an error message every time I type.
> > > ~Larry C
> >
> > Don't get it. Why do you propse having closing  ) if they aren't
> > need?
> They are needed when you port BASIC to the other calcs.  They check the
> programs for matching parens before tokenizing (and running) them.
> I know that the TI-92 and the TI-85 does this.  Larry apparently thinks
> the '83 does too.  Does it?  I thought you had a TI-83.
> If you do not close the parens and your calculator makes such a check,
> (probably not since you've never had that problem) it will immediately
> report an error when you run it, like "Missing )", or something like
> that.
> Tavis
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I do have an 83, but I don't have a graphlink. I know you don't have 
to put closing () and " on the 83, but I don't know about other calcs.  
Just what is tokenization, anyway?

Jody Snider
