

At 08:17 PM 2/6/98 -0700, Grant Stockly wrote:
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>Actually apple bought the technology from Zerox...
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They did not. Apple did the same thing as Microsoft. Apple saw the GUI at PARC, borrowed what they wanted and made their OS. The difference between Apple borrowing from PARC and Microsoft borrowing from Apple, was that PARC didn't think their GUI would be of use anywhere else, so they didn't sue Apple for taking their ideas. Apple did try to sue Microsoft for look and feel, but failed. 

At any rate, this is probably the best source of information on the whole lawsuit and history of the GUI.

Interesting sections :
Section II.B.4{21} Apple borrowing from PARC.
Section II.B.1{15} Microsoft borrowing from Apple.
Section II.B.4{20} The crux of why Apple failed in the lawsuit.
Section II.B.2{18} A little more as to why they failed.

If your going to make statements, provide proof. Otherwise say "I think," or "Rumor has it."

Leif Gregory 
(2D/3D Graphics, electronics, TI85, and a mirror for the
Hardware Book, the largest collection of pinouts and cable diagrams).

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