
Re: TIB: WOW! wrote:
> I'm really just wasting bandwidth, but I was amazes to find that Christopher
> Robin MacDougald was actually proficient in pascal.  I thought I was the only
> person who still used it (well, not really, but so many people converted to
> C++, which I'm starting to do anyways).

I used Pascal for a short while...two years ago... :-)
I found quite ok really.

>  I'm just saying that Pascal is not a
> dead language, and that when it once again rises from obscurity the few who
> know it shall rule over all you other peons.
> Paul Chase II
> By the way, that last part is sarcasm.

Oh... :-)

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
man: Why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.

Follow-Ups: References: