Re: TIB: "Programmer friendly"


Re: TIB: "Programmer friendly"

Rene Kragh Pederson wrote:
> Tavis Segura wrote:
> > "Programer friendly" displays are very useful, especially when you
> > are working with subroutines and a lot of multi-lined statements. 
> > However, indenting can get in the way as well.  Keep in mind how
> > many letters the calculator screen can show in one line.
> I never had a problem with that...Are you using a TI-92 (I am)?

Yes, it's the only one I've been using now.  It's just that I've used 
the '85 before.  I try to consider people who still use any TI-8X 
calculator right before I post.

> > Indenting everything will make
> > it harder to read commands from the calculator than it would be if
> > nothing were indented.  Even then, it is still better to have some > 
> parts
> > indented while editing.
> Absolutely.
> > I suggest keeping two copies of the program you are working on. 
> > Edit the first one, using indentation, easily understood names,
> > and subprograms.  Make the other one the optimized copy, balancing
> > speed and size over readability after you know that your program
> > and its parts work, and updating it only after finishing the
> > first.  Make it more like manually 'compiling' your program, for
> > lack of a better term.
> This only works if you have a link to your computer, or if you
> delete the original (easy-to-read) program. I don't have a link (nor
> a PC), and I often decide to change a program later on, thus needing 
> the easy version.

Ah, that is a good reason to keep all your programs easy to read.  I 
wasn't aware of that.  I just received my Graphlink this past Christmas, 
but it still did not keep me from writing anywhere from 2 to 5 copies of 
my tank game 'Aim' just to see which one I preferred.  I still think 40 
individual tank patterns is overkill, but it's in another copy on my 
calc, along with the template for the testers, my personal copy w/cheat 
code, and an extra one in which I'm adding a wind option.  Each one is 
slightly less than 7k on the calc, and I still keep other stuff in my 

[sliding off topic]  I've been thinking about uploading it to, but I wanted to see if it would stand out among other games.  
I then thought I should also make my own page for it, my other programs, 
and maybe a few observations from the posts here, and release it on the 
WITH COMMENTS!  Well, that was refreshing...


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