Re: TIB: pxl-testing


Re: TIB: pxl-testing

Christopher Robin MacDougald wrote:
> Jody,
> Thanks for pointing it out! however I'm checking the reverse pixel, I
> believe in that situation... I'll double check. And yes leaving it off
> in some cases is good but in others it can cause problems... I'll see
> with the changes what difference it will make next week some time.
> Christopher

I think the situations that you are talking about "can cause problems" 
are ones where the closing parenthesese is left off. Am I  right? The 
big thing that you have to be careful of is that it isn't a logic 
statement. For example;
In the first example it is doing fractional part of D, and see if it 
=0 (like it should). Note that this will only give a 1 or 0 depending 
if it is true or false. However, in the second example it is seeing if 
D=0 and returning a 1 or 0 in that spot. Then it is taking the fPart 
of either that 1 or 0 - not D! My general rule of thumb is if it is 
not a test you are PROBABLY okay (can vary from situation to 
situation). But if you are using a logic test, always assume you need 
that ).

Jody Snider
