Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs


Re: TIB: Back to TI-BASICs

Tavis Segura wrote:
> > wrote:
> >[...]
> >> making all the code in a single program keeps it neatly in one >place
> in your
> >> programs list, but it is very slow and takes up much more space
> >because you
> >> can't call subroutines (other programs which sort of help the main
> >program
> >> out).  Of course, even less space would be taken up if the Basic
> >language
> >> allowed you to return to the last jump command...
> >
> >Yes, I miss the gosub command every now and then too. I think they
> >omitted it because you can make subprograms instead.
> >
> >[...]
> Yeah, I miss it too.  I found a page about someone who tried to work
> around that...  In short it, involved using the indirection command (#)
> on label names.  Simply store a string of your return label, and Goto a
> subroutine inside the program.  The subroutine will have something like
> 'Goto #s' , where 's' is the name of the string var.  It's like passing
> another paremeter that tells where to return to the rest of the program.
> I do not like using Goto's to get out of a loop or the If..Then
> statements.  I consider it bad style (if not downright unacceptable) in
> the TI-8X calcs, because the calculator has no way of knowing it exited
> the loop and instead keeps track of it.  It is even worse to try to add
> more End statements after the label was used to exit the loop, because
> now the program is hopelessly meshed into itself and you no longer know
> which 'End' applies to which loop.  Fortunately, the TI-92 is more
> forgiving of this problem.  It always checks to make sure the For
> matches with EndFor, While with EndWhile, If..Then with EndIf, Prgm with
> EndPrgm, etc.

I was not aware of this TI-8x problem, as I do not do a lot of
programming on my 85. About the gosub: Yes, I have come up with numerous
solutions myself, but I always end up finding another way around it. I
guess there is a reason why so few languages have the gosub :-)

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
man: Why did you get a divorce?
man:: Too many arguments.
