Re: TIB: reading code


Re: TIB: reading code

Rene Kragh Pedersen wrote:
> Jody wrote:
> >
> > How many of you out there find it useful to look through other
> > people's code? Both for looking for ways to simplify specific lines,
> > but also for understanding the big picture - understanding just what
> > exactly the calc is doing. I find that I get hopelessly confused if I
> > haven't actually written the program. I can make things _incredibly_
> > complicated (sometimes to much so!) but, as long as I wrote it, it
> > makes perfect sense. Several different sites on the net recommend
> > studying other people's code to help learn, but I don't think that
> > that would help anybody that is like me. How many other people are
> > like this?
> I rarely look through other people's code. When I do, it is here at the
> computer science department, and we support the basic rule that variable
> names should hint their function in the name alone.
> Makes it a whole lot easier.
> If I see someone who has coded using A,B,C,D etc... I give up right
> away. I simply don't consider it worthwhile to try and decipher what the
> different variable names stand for.
> --
>           Rene Kragh Pedersen
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> man: Why did you get a divorce?
> man:: Too many arguments.

My only experience has been programming with the 81/82/83, where the 
programmer does not have the option of giving names to variables. 

Jody Snider
