wow! even more... get linux. then you'd figure out that your computer
realy is worthless without it.
>On Tue, 03 Feb 1998 22:40:01 +0100 Rene Kragh Pedersen
><> writes:
>>Matthew wrote:
>>> >Why do Macs suck?
>slow, made for eas of use (AOhL)
>>> >Have you worked with Macs recently?
>>> Every Day
>All last year at school
>>What do you do on them, and what is it you don't like about them?
>Record keeping/newspaper publishing; slow, more tedious than win 3.1
>Love those power switches that look like disk eject buttons ;~P
>But hey, who needs to manually eject a disk
>>> >Is it because they have superior processing power over the PC's?
>Hee Hee Hee! No, they're cheap$
>>> Even the good, brand new,50something MB ram one seems slow
>>I would like to know specifically what you are referring to, what it
>>used for, and in what connection.
>>Is it your impression that a PC would be better at whatever task you
>>the Mac for?
>Yeah because I tried at home
>>> >Is it because they are used by professionals within for example
>>> >graphics?
>Hey, CorelDRAW just now moved over to Mac.
>>> Their only strong point
>>Along with better economy in their laptops (compare the power usage on
>>laptop Pentium and a Powerbook), better OS, faster chipsets, superior
>>chipset structure, more reliability (don't crash as often as PC's) +
>>stuff I couldn't recall at the moment.
>>> >Is it because they use Motorola chips (like in the TI-92)?
>Yeah, and crashes more often
>>> Didn't know that.
>>They are one of Motorola's biggest customers. The Power series were
>>designed by IBM, Motorola, and Apple.
>>How old is the Mac you are using?
>1~8yrs old.
>>> >Do you hate Amiga too?
>Preferred the C=64
>>> Never used one
>>Take it from me, it's a VERY pleasant experience.
>> Rene Kragh Pedersen
>>man: Why did you get a divorce?
>>man:: Too many arguments.
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