TIB: Source code to Game1.85P
TIB: Source code to Game1.85P
Hello Folks,
Here is the source.
:Outpt(1,1," By:Chris MacDougald ")
:Lbl S
:Outpt(3,5,"Select a GAME")
:Outpt(5,6,"Version 4.1")
:Goto S
:Lbl B
:Lbl C
:Lbl Q
:If E÷0
:Disp "+-------------------+","You have:",E,"","","How much do you
:Input "$ ",F
:iPart (F)üF
:If F<0
:If F>E
:Lbl J
:iPart 13rand+1üA
:If A>10
:If A==1 and (B==11 or B==1)
:Disp "+-------------------+","Your card:",A,"","Your
:If C==1
:Outpt(3,20,"A ")
:If C==11
:Outpt(3,20,"J ")
:If C==12
:Outpt(3,20,"Q ")
:If C==13
:Outpt(3,20,"K ")
:If K÷4
:Lbl s
:iPart 13rand+1üC
:If C>10
:Lbl N
:iPart 13rand+1üD
:If D>10
:If C÷15
:Goto N
:Disp "+-------------------+","Your total:",B,"","Dealer
:If B==C or B>21 and C>21
:If B==21 or B÷21 and C>21 or B>C and B<21 and C<21 or K==5 and B÷21
:Lbl L
:Goto J
:Lbl T
:Disp " -Help File-"," The object of the "," game is to get your
"," total equal to 21. ","",""," Press ENTER"
:Goto B
:Lbl I
:Outpt(4,3,"Internal Calc-bat")
:Lbl U
:Disp " -Help File-","Move L: L Arw","Move R: R Arw","Block: D
Arw","Fireball: U Arw","Special: ?"," Press ENTER"
:Disp " -Help File-","Hi Kick: EXIT","Low Kick: xúVAR","Hi Punch:
2nd","Low Punch: ALPHA","Quit/Pause: 4"," Press ENTER"
:Goto I
:Lbl X
:Repeat Gù1 and G÷4 or G==8
:Disp "Select
:Input "(1-4 or 8): ",G
:Lbl D
:If Rù4
:Goto I
:Disp "+-P1-+-Time----+-P2-+","| | |
:If G÷8
:If G==8
:If G==1
:If G==2
:If G==3
:If G==4
:Outpt(4,8,"FIGHT !")
:Lbl P
:Outpt(2,4," ")
:Outpt(2,19," ")
:If G==8 and B÷0
:Goto I
:If B÷0 or A÷0 or T÷0
:Goto R
:If Gø9
:If G==9
:If G÷7
:If G==1
:iPart 5rand+1üK
:If G==2
:iPart 10rand+1üK
:If G==3
:iPart 15rand+1üK
:If G==4
:iPart 21rand+1üK
:If K==1 or K==13 or D-4>C
:If K==11 and D-3÷C or K==12 and D-3÷C or K==18 and D-3÷C
:If K==2 and D-3÷C or K==14 and D-3÷C or K==19 and D-3÷C
:If K==8 and D-3÷C or K==16 and D-3÷C
:If K==9 and D-3÷C or K==3 and D-3÷C
:If K==6 or K==17
:If K==4
:If K==7
:If K==5 and D-3>C
:If K==10
:If K==15
:If K==20
:If K==21
:If F==0 and D-3÷C
:If F==0 and D-3>C
:If E==82 or F==82
:If E==26 and C+4÷D
:If F==26 and D-4ùC
:If E==24 and Cù3
:If F==24 and D÷19
:If E==34
:If F==34
:If E==25 and C+4<D
:Repeat K+2>D
:Outpt(6,K," ô")
:If Fø34
:If F==25 and D-4>C
:Repeat K-1<C
:Outpt(6,K,"* ")
:If Eø34
:If E==21
:Outpt(6,C-1,"<Á ")
:If Fø34 and C+3ùD
:If F==21
:Outpt(6,D-1," ")
:If Eø34 and D-3÷C
:If E==22
:Outpt(7,C+1," ")
:If Fø34 and C+3ùD
:If F==22
:Outpt(7,D-1," ")
:If Eø34 and D-3÷C
:If E==31
:If Fø34 and C+3ùD
:If F==31
:If Eø34 and D-3÷C
:If E==32
:Outpt(7,C+1," ")
:If Fø34 and C+4==D
:If Fø34 and C+3ùD
:If F==32
:Outpt(7,D-1," |")
:If Eø34 and D-4==C
:If Eø34 and D-3÷C
:If E==11 and C+3<D
:While K+1<D
:If Fø34
:Outpt(4,7,"Come here")
:Repeat D-3÷C
:Outpt(5,D,"(O ")
:Outpt(6,D-1,"ùX) ")
:Outpt(7,D-1,"<| ")
:If F==11 and D-3>C
:While K-1>C
:If Fø34
:Outpt(4,7,"Come here")
:Repeat C+3ùD
:Outpt(5,C-1," O)")
:Outpt(6,C-1," (X÷")
:Outpt(7,C," |>")
:If F==12
:Outpt(4,7,"Floor saw")
:While K-1>C
:If F==13
:Outpt(4,7,"High jump")
:Outpt(6,D-1," ")
:Outpt(7,D-1," ")
:While D-3>C
:Outpt(4,D-1,"<O> ")
:Outpt(5,D-2,"--M-- ")
:If F==14
:Outpt(7,D-1," ")
:Outpt(6,D-1," ")
:Outpt(5,D-1," ")
:Outpt(4,6,"Where is he?")
:If F==15
:Outpt(4,D-1,"Å Å")
:If Eø0 or Fø0 or T==99
:Outpt(I,1," ")
:If G==8
:If G==1
:If G==2
:If G==3
:If G==4
:If B==0 and Rù3 and Wù2 or E==61 or F==61
:Goto F
:Goto P
:Lbl F
:iPart 5randüK
:If K==0
:Outpt(4,5,"I'm shrinking"
:Outpt(5,D-1," ")
:Outpt(6,D-1," O ")
:Outpt(6,D-1," ")
:Outpt(7,D-1," & ")
:If K==1
:Outpt(4,4,"Ice cold stuff!")
:Repeat EùD-2
:Outpt(5,E+1," ~")
:If K==2
:Outpt(4,4,"A Tyrannosaurus")
:Outpt(4,4," ")
:Outpt(4,D-1,"U U")
:Outpt(5,D-1," ")
:Repeat Eù5
:Outpt(4,D-1," U")
:Outpt(4,D-1,"U ")
:If K==3
:Outpt(4,6,"Let's dance")
:Outpt(6,C-1,"/Á ")
:If K==4
:Outpt(4,5,"Don't look up")
:Outpt(4,2,"That's one big safe")
:Lbl R
:If A>B
:If B>A or B==A
:If B>A and G÷8 or B==A and G÷8
:If K==2 or K==3
:If K==1
:Outpt(7,6,"Press ENTER")
:Outpt(3,6," PLAYER")
:If K==3
:If Rù3
:Outpt(3,6," PLAYER 1 ")
:If L>W and G==9
:If L>W and G÷8
:Goto D
:Lbl Y
:Outpt(4,7,"Road Rage")
:Lbl H
:Disp " -Help File-"," You must avoid the","other riders &
finish","the race to win.","","Speed up: U Arw"," Press ENTER"
:Disp " -Help File-","Slow down: D Arw","Move R: R Arw","Move L: L
Arw","Weapon: 2nd","Quit/Pause: 4"," Press ENTER"
:Goto Y
:Lbl G
:Disp "Skill level:","1)Hard","2)Easy","","","",""
:Input "(1-2): ",L
:iPart LüL
:If L÷0 or Lù3
:Goto G
:Lbl K
:Outpt(5,6,"Press ENTER"
:Lbl O
:Outpt(C,D,"| ' ' |")
:If A==2
:If A==3
:If A==4
:If A==5
:If A==6
:If A==7
:iPart (O/100)üG
:If E==82
:If E==25 and A-1ù2
:If E==34 and A+1÷7
:If E==24 and B-1ùD+1
:If E==26 and B+1÷D+9
:iPart 2rand+1üI
:If L==1
:If M÷2
:If M==8
:D+iPart 9rand+1üN
:If IùL
:If Jù7
:If J==1
:D+iPart 9rand+1üK
:If K==N
:If N==D
:If KùD+1 and J<7 or NùD+1 and M>2
:If L==1
:If E==21
:If A==J and (B-1==K or B+1==K) or A==M and (B-1==N or B+1==N)
:If (Q/10)==1
:If Qù10
:If A==J and B==K or A==M and B==N
:If GùP
:If H÷0
:Goto O
:Lbl E