Re: TIB: TIB increment/decrement and skip
Re: TIB: TIB increment/decrement and skip wrote:
> At 09:56 PM 2/2/98 +0000, you wrote:
> >
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> > Are there any real use for the IS< and DS< functions? I cannot
> >> > out what situation would require them. Any ideas?
> >>
> >> HAHA! I've been wondering this for years. I have never used them
or seen
> >> a program which used them. I know what they do but prefer for or
> >> loops. Anyone else know what they could be used to do?
> >
> >I've never used them either. I, however, don't think that I could
> >them. I tried to read the manual, but, like most things in there, I
> >didn't understand it. I find that I only understand what is in that
> >manual AFTER I already have an understanding of what something does.
> >Anyway, since I have never found a need for those commands, I've
> >used them, and never learned HOW to use them.
> i seem to remember a program that ACTUALLY used IS<(, but it would
be in a
> huuuge pile of proggies ive saved up on my HD. if anybody is really
> interested, i could look through all my proggies and find it.
> Pubert, King of the Wicker People
I am not interested in the program as much as the way it was used.
Can you remember how it was used or why it was used?
Garth Johnson
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