Re: TIB: (no subject)


Re: TIB: (no subject)

:Prompt A,B
:If C<=.9
:Disp "yes"
:If C>.9
:Disp "no"

That's it.  Notice the closing "'s on the Disp's.  Also, no then/end is needed as
you only want to execute one statement.  However, this is a poor check for a
fraction.  What do you mean by a fraction?  99/100 is a fraction, and is greater
than .9...while 101/100 is also a fraction.  What exactly are you checking for?
If you want a fraction by me definition, use something like....
Prompt A,B
If fPart(C)==0
Disp "no"
Disp "yes"

note that I use two = because I am using an 85....

if you want to know if it is a fraction less than one, use the first set of code,
except change the first test to C<1; and the second to C=>1.  NOTE-this does not
provide for negative values.  For Instance, by this algorithm, -2 is a fraction.
Bad move, unless you input is restricted.  It would help to know exaclty what you
want to do, and what this is for....

    Jeremy wrote:

> The problem: I can't figure out how to write a program that will display or a
> "yes" or "no" if the answer "C" is a fraction.  Here's what I have so far.
> :Prompt A,B
> :A/B->C
> :If C< or equal to .9
> :Then
> :Disp "no
> :End
> :If C>.9
> :Then
> :Disp "yes
> :End
> This is all I can think of on how to do the program. There are problems
> sometimes it kicks out yes and no at the same time.  Also, I know there is an
> easier ways to write this, and I would appreciate the help.

Follow-Ups: References: