Re: TIB: Gee, It's quiet here
Re: TIB: Gee, It's quiet here
>> fire.85p - a test on various methods for modeling projectile motion
>> (none involving changing the terrain into an array)
>I'm curious what you meant about "changing the terrain into an
>array". When I made my Tank Wars the terrain was created at the
>beginning of the game, but it wasn't recorded in any way. Rather, it
>was created by simply running a loop - For(X,0,94 - and drawing a
>line - Line(X,0,X, (whatever). The "whatever" was picked based on the
>position of the previous line - it was either picked to be one
>y-coordinate below, equal to, or above the previous. Just what is it
>that you stored into an array?
>Jody Snider
I used a sinusoidal function; in the program itself, the exact function
I used was
AB=10cos (.1x)+10
It is a rather simple function compared to the one used in Aim, but for
my testing, I did not need anything random, just something reasonable.
Lists are faster since you do not have to calculate AB(x) every time you
test for collision with the ground but just read the number in the list.
The TI-92 version stores data calculated from a function to a list
before drawing the terrain.
In case you are curious about the current formula:
where a constant list c equals
\pi\ *(rand()+k)/(8*k^3),
\pi\ *(rand()+k)/(4*k^3)}
(\pi\ indicates the symbol pi)
and h and k are integers satisfying 1<=h<=4 and 1<=k<=4
(They determine the height and width of the sine function.)
See why I decided to use an array? Then again, the function could use
some simplification. Any ideas?
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