Re: TIB: A few things...


Re: TIB: A few things...

	I was actually thinking of making a punchout game aswell.  I had planned on
making it a graphical game by setting it up as the original with picture
layers.  What it is basically, is you tel the calc to draw pixels on the
screen to make a pic; this way you can have a set of pics for the graphics.
So if a guy gets hit in the face display a certain graphic.  I keep saying
pic, but I mean graphic.  I would put this in a subroutine in another program
since it wouldnt display a graphic everytime it looped, but only when the
situation changed; this way it dosent slow down the main program by having to
look through all the added lines of the graphics.  I sai that you should plot
individual pixels, but if you dont want to take the time you just draw a pic
and have it call them up instead.
			Eric Tamme