Re: TIB: dec>frac


Re: TIB: dec>frac

Have even looked at anything that has been said about this?!  Sorry to be
mean, but that is a brain dead question.
At 05:04 PM 12/12/98 -0500, you wrote:
>did you try using the >Frac math function that comes with BASIC?
>- Doug
> - The Otaku Hangout (Anime)
> - Bakasoft (TI-85 Programming)
> - Bandwidth Ripper (My techno music)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: VasquezJara <>
>To: <>
>Date: Saturday, December 12, 1998 1:53 PM
>Subject: Re: TIB: dec>frac
>>The thing is, I am using an 86, but that doesn't matter. I need the
>>fraction to be used with Outpt...not Disp... I came up with the same
>>code u just posted before I even though about posting here. I need
>>it to work with outpt, but apparently it cannot be done,
>>Jean V�squez
>> wrote:
>>> I have A TI-82.  Here is the exact code that will work for me:
>>> :Input A
>>> :Disp A>Frac
>>> However, I can't get the "Frac" answer to be stored to anything.
>>> Rob Hornick
>>              Jean V�squez
>>       ,;;
>>      ,;;'    Dark Horizon Studios
>> ,  ,;;'
>>  ';;'        AIM SN: Leon Pierr
>> .' ',        ICQ#:  14164471
Jeff Glover
