TIB: dec>frac


TIB: dec>frac

One quick question;

the following code will work just fine:
:Disp A>Frac

Make the code cleaner, add some Input commands instead of
telling the calc outright what A is, and you can get

:Input A "Enter A:",A
{whatever following code}
:Disp A>Frac

The whole purpose of that was to make A a fraction in case
it is not whole number. While this works fine as it is
(actually, it doesn't work fine enough for me), I need
something more flexible. How can I use Outpt( to display a
fraction from a variable entered as a decimal? How do I
change a decimal form A, into a fractional form A, and use
Outpt( with it?

Many thanks to whoever helps me with this;

Jean Vásquez

              Jean Vásquez
       ,;;    vasquezjara@earthlink.net
      ,;;'    Dark Horizon Studios
 ,  ,;;'      http://www.afterlyfe.com/darkhorizon
  ';;'        AIM SN: Leon Pierr
 .' ',        ICQ#:  14164471