TIB: ASM Utilities From BASIC


TIB: ASM Utilities From BASIC

Hi, my name is Jason, and I'm new to this list, but not to Ti-Basic. I also do
some Assembly Programming for the TI-83, and that is where I had an idea to
create a program in ASM that will allow Programmers for Basic to do things
that they previously couldn't...

First of all, this would be only for the 83 right now for two reasons. One, I
have an 83 and am very adept to its Basic and ASM features. Two, because the
83 has Built-in Assembly language. I know that the 86 and the 89 do also (not
sure about the 92), but I know that the 82 and 85 do Not, and Assembly can
only be run from shells...

How this program would work for 83 users is that they would have to have my
ASM program on their calc, and in spots of their Basic program would do a
"Send(9prgmASMPROG)" or whatever I choose to call it... Before that command
though,  a value would be stored into X or whatever, and the ASM prog would
know which utility to run based on that value.  For certain Utilities,
inputting into other variables would be possible, if necessary...

One example of a utility that will be included, and inspired me to make this,
is of 'Inverse Text'.  Say, the user would do "1->X", then
"Send(9prgmASMPROG)" and it would Turn On the feature to write in Reverse
Video for Text... And then a couple "Text(" or "Disp"s could be done... To set
the Text color back to normal you would simply do "1->X" and
"Send(9prgmASMPROG)" once again, and there ya go...

I'm asking the list (mostly 83 Basic Programmers) if this sounds like a good
idea, and if you'd want this to happen...?  Also, I need many more Ideas for
what to include into the ASM program. What other Utilities do you want to see,
so that you would store another value to X and it would perform something
different...?  Give Me Some Ideas Here... =)
														--Jason K.