Re: TIB: Faster Getkey??? (was GetKey)


Re: TIB: Faster Getkey??? (was GetKey)

On Fri, 4 Dec 1998 22:35:29 -0500 "The Kellers" <>
>Here's the fastest thing I see to your proposition(look, no goto, no
>subprograms :-) )
>Repeat 0
>Repeat Ans
>If Ans = 105

To save bytes, replace above IF loop with
  :IF Ans=105
  :Pause "HI

>If Ans = 22
>Philipp Keller

I also think this is the fastest Getky routine you can make.  It clocks
about 16 to 17 cycles per second, as apposed to about 9.5 c/sec for  a
LBL/GOTO loop with the IF's enclosed in the loop.  Also, this
REPEAT-based routine should perform at the same speed anywhere in the

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