Re: TIB: Re:GetKey


Re: TIB: Re:GetKey

In a message dated 12/3/98 5:10:52 PM Central Standard Time,

> Hello!  My name is Philip and I'm new to the ti-basic list so I don't
>  know exactly the background behind this e-mail but I may be able to help.
>   I would consider myself an expert in TI85/86-Basic and Moderately
>  knowledgeable in TI86 assembly.
>  Anyway, about the MEMORY ERRORS you are getting:
>  The ONLY way you can get a memory error in TI-BASIC is if you do a
>  considerable 
>  number of 'IF' statements without reaching an 'End' command. 

This is strictly my opinion, but does anyone else think that our friend Philip
is a bit too proud of himself?  I just think it's odd that a guy can declare
himself an expert compared to the rest of us on the list.  Plus, the 'expert'
is sadly mistaken about the 'ONLY way you can get a memory error.'  You can
recieve them if you have too many huge variables or call a subprogram
recursively or in loops . .  There are quite a few ways to run out of memory.
Apparently Phil here only knows one; if he's an expert I must be the God of
TI-Basic, although that can't be correct because there are several members on
this list at least as good or maybe better than I.  Just some of my thoughts.
Sorry to waste time on non-calc subjects, but I'm annoyed.  If anyone else
feels this way, please tell me.
Paul J Chase II  (PJChaser@AOL.COM)