Re: TIB: Re:GetKey
Re: TIB: Re:GetKey
>Thanks to everybody, but my routines are just not moving fast enough.
In the
>RPG I'm creating, Bubba's Quest (watch for it:)), I have a little
>made of 2 letters (O and an X under it). that moves around the screen.
If he
>reaches the border of the screen, the game loads the next screen (a
>into a string where it is used by the program. But enough with the
>junk, here's what my problem is-
> The game takes about a second to move the character! And with the Ans
>variable, it appears to slowdown more each time you move before finally
>greeting you with a MEMORY ERROR! I remember reading some code that
used the
>Return statement and the Ans var to move the character, but it wasn't
>documented very well. The writer said this made it faster. I need to
>the fastest statement I can use for multiple keys. All help is
Tatsuo, use the routine I posted, instead of using the plxon
statement, supplement it with the Text( statements. You will find this
to be way faster then one second, and minimal memory errors. I am
working on a new Getkey routine that will be very fast. I'm estimating
about 1.5 times as fast as the one I posted. But untill I get some
inspiration, it wont be done.
Josh Cunningham
Send me ideas for the RPG engine!!
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