Re: TIB: GetKey


Re: TIB: GetKey

I did specify that I was getting it from my TI-92, and you can't use Ans for a
variable (for some reason they took out the home screen ability in this
series).  But I was going for the ability to turn a key on and off, like
enabling and disabling them.


{{If you want the best advice, tell us what you want to do in you
program with getkey.

Best way I see is:

Lbl A
While ans = 0
if ans=1
if ans=2
goto A

Storing the getkey into ans saves the time it would take to store it
to a variable, not to mention a couple of lines of code.

Philipp Keller

>then you could just take it and do the following:
>Lbl A
>Lbl B
>If A=0:Goto B
>If A=L1(B):B->C
>If C=0:Goto A