Re: TIB: neato cool input trick


Re: TIB: neato cool input trick

Not just neato cool, but awesome!
~Larry C

On Tue, 18 Aug 1998 19:58:28 EDT writes:
>Hey, for making an input cursor that would move - here's a cooler 
>:DispGraph (or, other commands, ie set up menus, whatever)
>This will give you that cross cursor with the blinking middle, and 
>allow you
>to use the arrow keys to move it.  Then you press Enter on your 
>choice, and
>VOILA!  The calc saves the location to (X,Y).
>I know this is documented in the TI-83 manual, but it wasn't in the 
>Just thought it would save a LOT of time...
>Rob Hornick
>Firepower Software

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