TIB: Re: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!


TIB: Re: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!

i have a greyscale type thing that i am trying to incorporate into all 
the calculators.  the funny thing is, it's written in BASIC...not ASM.   
it's on my 92 right now, one of the pictures is a 8 shade "globe" that 
looks pretty cool.  is this a good article to put in the letter (of 
course i'm sending it to basic so as to let everyone read about BASIC 
doing ASM work).

{{Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 22:45:55 EDT
From: SWISH 97 <SWISH97@aol.com>
Subject: TIB: TI-ZINE Starting-be a writer!!

Hey I was thinking, maye it would be cool to have a magazine for the TI 
that we all are.  I know of one that used to exist and since probaly 
known of
us were apart of it we are gunna just have to start a new.  I don't 
think it
will be that difficult.  
      We will put it out every month on the third fridayof every month, 
and I
hope the first release will be:  May 15th.
      It will be a email/ web page newsletter kind of thing mainly 
around the email one.
      I want up to 25 writers,  I need 25 people as of now.
      There will be these sections/sub-sections:

  -Two commentary columns
  -Feature Story
  -Two mini-features
  (bunch of stuff about basic programming/games/programs/general)
  * I need a main editor for this section
  (bunch of stuff about assembly programming/games/programs/general)
  *I need a main editor for this section
  (bunch of stuff about hardware projects and the general)
 *I need a main editor for this section

       Eack of those sections will have designated areas for 82/83  
85/86 and
      They will also have many areas in them for which I need writers.  
If you
want to be a writer then send me an email of what kind of thing you want 
do(be creative).  Include a sample article or whater of what you wanna 
do.  I
will tell you if I could use you or not, most likely yes.  After I get 
people I will get thing together and we will make the first issue.

Here are some ideas of things you can do:

- -Dear Abby
- -Programming Help
- -Interview
- -Feature Story
- -News reporter
- -Reviews
- -Commentary

*Be creative and mail me with your sample and what you wanna do ASAP

ank Zeye}}

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