Re: TIB: Conics


Re: TIB: Conics

Andrew Boudreau wrote:

> well is it just me or can you se something wrong with a 20 k self extracting
> file.. Not quite sure if this is actually a 86p.  Thanx anyways but i'll
> pass on getting it.  I kinda advise no one else to download it since why the
> hell whould you make a self extracting 86 program and i havent seen many
> programs that are 20 k after they are in exe format.  Can anyone say virii
> >hmmmm nope :)
> >
> >Krayzie
> >

A 20,651 extracting exe file for a 2,439 .86p file.  Heheh....

Bryan Rabeler <>
   File Archives
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