Re: TIB: loops with mem errors


Re: TIB: loops with mem errors

On Wed, 22 Apr 1998 13:41:31 -0700 (PDT) The Garth Johnson
<> writes:
>> On the TI-82, when I use a
>> 	Lbl A
>> 	.
>> 	Goto A
>> infinite loop, I often get memory errors when I don't have much memory
>What do you have in the loop?  When I type out
>Lbl A
>disp "A"
>goto A
>I don't get any error.

I ported the HP calc game Islands into TI-82, and there is a huge loop
(one iteration per turn) which processes everything.  When I ony have
~2-3Kb mem left, I always get memory errors for long games (Islands is a
two-player strategy game, so it takes a while to finish a game).

If you just typed in a simple loop, you probably wouldn't get an error
anytime quick (esp. if you have a bunch of mem free).


Michael S. Lee (files to
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