Re: TIB: Basic question and Easter Signature
Re: TIB: Basic question and Easter Signature
> Basic Question: On the 92, how do you set up the screen without axes and
> like on the 8x series from x:0->94; y:0->62 or something like that so
> that the screen is easy to do graphics on, with each pixel being a point.
> Also, does the 92 have Horizontal, Vertical, and Line( commands???
company comes
Turn off the axes, set the x coordinates to 0 and 238 and y to 0 and 102. This
gives even, no decimal place, graphics coordinates.
I made a realy nice BASIC grayscale viewer for the TI-92. You make 6 images
and name them all the same, but with a different number (1-6) after it. You
run the prog (picview) and you get a dialog box asking for a file name. You
type in the name, with no number, and it displays the grayscale image.
It's only 123 bytes!!! I'm going to add another feature to allow you to chose
the number of pics, so you can fit more, less detailed pics on. It will do any
size pic, as long as all the pics are the same size.
It's pretty cool!
I added another entry line to choose how many images are included, so you'll
be able to use less pics to save memory. 6 image full screen pics are big, and
only 3 will fit. but 4 image pics will save a LOT of memory. 4 image pics
would probably allow 5 pics, rather than 3, maybe more. I've gotten good
images from as little as 3 images per pic (on the TI-82). Now it's 174 bytes.
well woth it though!
Title "Choose a Picture"
Request "Picture? ",filevar
Request "Number of Pics?",seq(string(i),i,1,6),filevar1
Lbl loop1
CyclePic filevar,filevar1,0,2000,1
Goto loop1
Richard Piotter
The Richfiles TI Hardware and BASIC web page: