Re: TIB: Will the mailing list remain open?
Re: TIB: Will the mailing list remain open?
At 04:06 PM 4/1/98 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 98-03-31 22:46:29 EST, you write:
><< I am shocked that admits defeat. I've always like
> more than TI-Philes and found it much superior. >>
>me too.
How gullible is everyone?!?!?!? April 1 is April Fool's Day! This same
thing happened on the IRTC (Internet RayTracing Competition) mailing list
announcing POV-Ray v4.0 beta 1 was out. I might have actually believed
that (since POV-Ray v4.0 is to come out in the next couple months), but
ticalc's announcement was WAY too obvious. All I can say is that some
people will believe anything. Maybe this is the reason why SPAM works.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"