TIB: input/output


TIB: input/output

another thing about the chemistry input, you can also do stuff like 
following,I prefer this interface, like to change rads/degrees,ect.  you 
can also use dialogs to sort of say what the output is, or wher it is if 
you store it to a data variable.  then open the data and plot it all 
sorts of different ways.  I thought that worked very well in 
differntials, eulers formula/techique/whatever that was.  here goes:

 title "input data here!!!!!"
 text "I said enter the data"
 request "repetitions?  ",s1
 dropdown "digits", ("one","two","nine"),n1


if n1=2 then
 setmode ("display digist","fix 2")
 setmode (etc,etc)

dilog box here explaining the output, and that the data is in a data 
variable named fjdjfa and to graph c1 v c2 for this output, or c4 v c6 
for a different output.

long ramblings, I haven't slept for 2 days, me and my roommate are seeing 
who can go longer without mentioning the fact that we have no hotwater, 
I spend several hours off the clock making a spreadsheet for a job that I 
only work 4hrs/week at...and pine keeps freezing up on me.

