Re: TIB: String Arrays, GOSUB
Re: TIB: String Arrays, GOSUB
Jan Zumwalt wrote:
> > Not really, the diff is that gosub can come from different places
> in
> > the
> > program, and will return to where it came from when it reaches the
> > "return" in the program.
> >
> > You can't use lbl and goto from two different places to one.
> > However,
> > you can use the Define command, it just isn't the same...
> You could set a varible so that the subroutine would know which label
> to return to.
Introducing extra variables AND extra prog space to account for pointers
to these, is a very bad alternative to the Define command, as it slows
the program.
Rene Kragh Pedersen
.oO) Aibohphobia - the fear of palindromes (Oo.