TIB: Suggestion for TI-85 table program concerning div by 0


TIB: Suggestion for TI-85 table program concerning div by 0

I'm not sure if any existing table programs do what I'm suggesting, but 
they should.

The biggest problem is that a division by zero cannot be trapped, so one 
workaround is to ask the user for a list of values that will produce a 
division by zero. This is tedious, and for some functions, the list would 
have to be large, or updated whenever the table range is changed. A simple 
workaround is for the program to ask the user separately for the 
denominator portion of the function. Then it just evaluates the 
denominator, and if it is zero, then the entire function is not evaluated. 
If a function had multiple denominators (a sum of fractions, for example), 
then the user would just the product of the denominators, and of course, if 
any were 0, then the product would be 0.

Jeff Tyrrill