RE: TIB: TI-86 to TI-85
RE: TIB: TI-86 to TI-85
Is E1 the variable, or a spot 1 in list E?
If it is a variable try:
If E1/>=/1 and E1/<=/9:Then
If it is spot 1 in list E then you need to use
If E(1)/>=/1 and E(1)/<=/9:Then
this works
I don't think you can have a number in a variable name. The "E1", not the "==" might be causing the problem.
From: Peter Sahlstrom[]
<<File: ATT00000.html>>
If E1==1 or E1==2 or E1==3 or E1==4 or E1==5 or E1==6 or E1==7 or E1==8 or
I would probably use "If (E1==1) or (E1==2) or (E1==3) or (E1==4) or (E1==5)
or (E1==6) or (E1==7) or (E1==8) or (E1==9)". This usually works for me.
Jared M Ivey wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Nov 1997 16:13:38 -0700 jSw <> writes:
> >Hello. I'm trying to convert a program on the ti-86
> >ti the 85. In it there are a few commands that the
> >85 doesn't recognize:
> >
> >DelVar(<<variable name>
> Sorry, there is no equivalent, but if you're trying to save space then
> you can do ""-><variable name>, since string variables take up the least
> amount of space. I've done this to temporarily free space that a matrix
> takes up(when I don't need it of course:-).
> >If E1==1 or E1==2 or E1==3 or E1==4 or E1==5
> >or E1==6 or E1==7 or E1==8 or E1==9
> I don't know why this doesn't work, but why not use:
> If E1>=1 and E1<=9
> instead?
> >randInt(1,3)->B
> for the 85: int 3rand+1->B
> for the 86: int (3rand +1->B
> This takes up less space than randInt(1,3->B, and to work on the 86 MUST
> be written with an opening parenthesis since implied multiplication, on
> the 86, comes after the 'int'.
> BTW, the closing parenthesis is not necessary at the end of any line or
> right before a store arrow.
> >Any idea how to do these (if possible) on the 85?
> >
> >Enclosed is the program so you can take a look at it.
> Could you resend it to ME UUEncoded, at Juno doesn't
> accept attachments. Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Unibomer
> Jared Ivey
> Ham Call Sign: KF4BXL
> The Unibomer's Shack:
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