Re: TIB: Graph
Re: TIB: Graph
>Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:23:09 -0800
>From: brian <brian@COMMUNITYONLINE.NET>
>Subject: Re: TIB: Graph
>Aaron Hertz wrote:
>> >> how do you program to make the user put in a Y1 value and save it
>> there so
>> >> the program will graph the graph for you. I can do this for the
>> but I
>> >> can't for the 86. How do I do it?
>> >
>> > use the string>equ( function.
>> >
>> >input "Enter equation in quotation marks: ",Str1
>> >String>Equ(Str1,Y1)
>> Why not just use InpSt? It allows you to omit the requirement for
>> user to put in quotation marks.
>You are right. I have an 83, which does not have an InpSt function. I
>tried it the way that i had suggested on the 83, and i guess the input
>function works with strings without the quotes, but the prompt function
>needs the quotes, or else it gives a data type error. that doesnt make
>much sense to me; i would think that if input can accept a string
>quotes, that prompt would also.
The prompt is a string literal, it needs the quotes to tell the calc
that it is a string. However, the InpSt tells it to expect a string to
come in, so it doesn't need quotes.
--==Aaron Hertz==--
Firstly, that God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say
circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe;
He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might
be compared, from the perspective of any of the other
players,* to be involved in an obscure and complex version of
poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite
stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who
<i>smiles all the time.</i>
-Good Omens
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