Re: TIB: Problematic equation in ti-86


Re: TIB: Problematic equation in ti-86

> If not then you will need to use Newton's method:
> Let f(c) = 0, where f is differentiable on an open interval containing c.
>  Then, to approximate c, use the following steps.
> 1. Make an initial estimate x1 that is "close" to c.
> 2. Determine a new approximation
>      x2 = x1 - f(x1)/f'(x1)
> 3. if abs(x1 - x2) is less than desired accuracy, let x2 serve as the
> final approximation.  Otherwise, return to step 2 and calculate a new
> approximation(using value of x2 in x1).

That one worked perfectly, thanks! Making good guesses isn't that easy
though, but eventually the right answer always pops out.

- Janne -
