Re: TIB: TI-PET for 83?


Re: TIB: TI-PET for 83?

There is an '86 version I downloaded for no known reason.  I am in the
process of converting it.  If I finish it (Good odds 50% chance of me
finishing a project) I will post to the list/Maybe post to ticalc.
~Larry C

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Merry Christmas!

On Mon, 22 Dec 1997 18:33:45 EST Unigamer2 <> writes:
>In a message dated 97-12-20 20:59:54 EST, you write:
>> Is there one of those giga pet thingies for the 83? A friend wants 
>one on
>>  graph calc (I too have an 83) and was just wondering.....
>I am also very interested in a TI-83 giga pet.
