Re: TIB: Vector Graphics
Re: TIB: Vector Graphics
I've uploaded Vector Man, which can be gotten at:
It is for the TI-92, If you try it please let me know what you think at
>Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 17:20:38 -0800
>From: Peter Sahlstrom <>
>Subject: Re: TIB: Vector Graphics
>I have already done a number of programs illustrating similar
>concepts-Vector, List, Matrix, and String based images, as well as vector,
>list, and string based matrixes, and string based lists and vectors. I have
>also recently finished a two-diminsional string array program and am
>currently working on the one and three diminsional versions
>- -Peter
What are the name of those programs?
Happy Holidays,