Re: TIB: Inntroducing 'TI-Net'
Re: TIB: Inntroducing 'TI-Net'
At 12:36 AM 12/21/97 EST, you wrote:
>Ok this might be a stupid question but isn't it the same thing as using
the IO
Not at all! If you have been following previous threads on this subject
you would know that they are designing a real network. It is basically
just a central hub where multiple people can connect and play games across
the network. The drivers he was referring to were packet protocol drivers
so that data wouldn't get screwed up when sending it across to the other
calcs. My question is: 5.7K/sec is too high a transfer rate for such a
complicated protocol, so what will the rate drop to when 5 people are
playing the same game? I'm assuming you are using only 2 calcs right now
to get 5.7K/sec.
So, it really isn't the same thing as using the link cables. BTW, the only
stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked (now where have I heard
that one before?)
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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