Re: TIB: Wasting Time
Re: TIB: Wasting Time
At 01:10 AM 12/12/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Is it just me or does anyone else feel that games on the TI are an utter
>waste of time. I mean, i dont know who is more pathetic, the programmer who
>creates the game or the user who plays it. I mean cmon, games suck on that
>little crappy ti-screen...
Well, YOUR opinion is pretty much alone. I bought my calculator for work
(Satellite systems technician, some of the programs are on my web site;
address below), but I appreciate all the hard work that all of the
programmers have put in to write games. Why do games exist??? To escape the
daily BS, and have a little fun.. I can't carry a laptop with me when
working eight stories above the ground on a problem, but I CAN carry the
calc up there and pass the time while waiting on tests to run their course.
It's a calculator for christ sakes. If you want an awesome game machine,
buy an awesome game machine, but I can't carry a TV and game cartridges up
there either. I wholeheartedly support all the programmers out there who
try to make the TI a little more fun (even the crappy games). If you don't
like them you don't have to play them, and if you don't like hearing about
them, the go the hell somewhere else, or start your own moderated loser
mailing list. As for me, keep the programs coming.
<font face="Courier, Courier" size=2>A hundred thousand lemmings can't all be wrong.<br>
</font><font size=1>-<br>
<a href="" eudora="autourl"></a>/ <br>
(2D/3D Graphics, electronics, TI85)<br>
Dedicated to providing you with more<br>
information than you needed to know. <br>
To email me, remove the z in my address -<br>