Re: TIB: some questions


Re: TIB: some questions

Look at, it's got imformation 
about all the calcs and their functions.

--==Aaron Hertz==--
>On Tue, 9 Dec 1997 19:56:18 -0800 Anthony Guzzi <>
>>1.  Can the 86 do 3D Calculus graphs?
>If you want to program it.
>>2.  Can the 86 write on graphs in the style of the 82?
>Be more specific.
>>3.  Can the 86 graph inequalities?
>The 85 CAN graph inequalities, you just have to know how to enter it. 
>ex:  you don't do  y1=x^2 >= 3   because it will give you a 1 or 0.  
>do something like   y1=x^2  y2=y1(y1>=3   and then it multiplies by one
>if it's true and by 0 if it's false.
>>4.  Can the 86 do tables for equations like the 82 does?
>I'm not sure what you mean.  There is a table editor like the 82.
>>5.  Can the 86 exchange/link to an 85 or 82 and exchange programs?
>The 86 can accept programs from only the 85, but the 85 cannot accept
>programs from the 86, everything else just not programs.
>>6.  Can the 86 list the points on a graph like the 82?
>I think so, but I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.
>The Unibomer
>Jared Ivey
>"Big egos are big shields for lots of empty space." -- Diana Black

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