TIB: Hmmm.....


TIB: Hmmm.....

Mohsan wrote (in one message):
>I have posted my Chemical Eq'n Balancer program for the 86.  Although it
>mean't to be for the 86, it will still work for the 85 (I think).

And then wrote (in another):
>BUT, whenever I store {10,12,4,2,8,12} in for L and then run the
program, it
>gives a DOMAIN error.  WHY?

Hmmm... why do I get the eerie feeling that these two things are related?
;-)  I just wish I'd had that for my chem test that I flun-- er... took
today. ;-O

Chris Roddy - tapeworm7337@juno.com / chris.roddy@mustang.com
<FC>v1.2 s=r=d TW 0/0/FD 0.5- 0 WYWH 6 25</FC> 28% 11/11/97