Re: TIB: Cool program to mess with someone.


Re: TIB: Cool program to mess with someone.

Jeff Tyrrill wrote:
> Haha I love it! Awesome!
> ________________
> Jeff Tyrrill
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   QmH []
> Sent:   Monday, December 08, 1997 7:21 PM
> To:
> Subject:        Re: TIB: Cool program to mess with someone.
> If you really want to mess with someone's mind, then try this:
> :ClLCD
> :Lbl A
> :Input "",A
> :Disp A+randInt(1,10)
> :Goto A
> Run it, and enter in 1+2 (or any other sum/product/quotient/etc) and see what
> it gives you!
> Note:  I don't think the randInt( function exists on the 85s, or on any other
> calc other than the 86 for that matter (don't quote me on this).
> Therefore, you should use 1+int (9rand) in place on randInt(1,10)
> Later,
> Mohsan Habibi
> Seminole High Student

What does it do? (I have a 92 and an 85, but I don't recognize the
commands immediately...)

          Rene Kragh Pedersen
What's up???
Um, like it's the direction of increasing gravitational potential.
