Re: TIB: Projectile Calc
Re: TIB: Projectile Calc
I was on the opposite end of the stick from you on a couple of programs I
had written a long time age (C programs, not TI ones). A guy had re-written
most of my code, but he had kept a few things of mine, like the screen
layout. I was happy with a mention as the original author in the
documentation. He had asked if I wanted my name displayed on the title
screen, but I felt that he had sufficiently changed my code to make it more
his program than mine. The best thing to do is to contact the original
author. If that isn't possible, mention them in the docs.
At 11:33 AM 12/8/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Thanks for using NetForward!
>> do i still have to give the guy credit in my title screen and when i
>> distribute
>> it ..
>i dont know about the rules, laws, etc... but just out of respect for the
>original writer, i think that you should keep his name in it. if you dont
>to, you should just start your own from scratch! just the fact that you based
>it on his code justifies putting his name in it.
>-brian ash.
<font faceüourier, Courier" sizeÿA man who smiles when things go wrong knows who to blame.<br>
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<a hrefÿttp://" eudoraúutourl"></a>/ <br>
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