Re: TIB: xyLine - fast, efficeint, few ppl know it
Re: TIB: xyLine - fast, efficeint, few ppl know it
QmH wrote:
> In a message dated 97-12-07 09:17:09 EST, you write:
> << Unfortunately, it is a little known funciton, and
> I have NEVER seen it in ANYone's programs except mine. Let's change that.
> Help me spread the word about this function!! >>
> For( can also be used more often in place of labels and whiles. For( is a
> relatively, fast, effecient way to do loops.
> Later,
I don't know what calc you use but I shy away from the for loops as often as
possible, they seep to be the slowest loop on all of the calculators I use.
Generally well used goto loops work faster than return, while and for loops.
But a word to the wise: don't stick the goto part in an if statement, then the
calc starts to really slow down.