[SD] Re: Starting a NoStub program from another, and libraries
[SD] Re: Starting a NoStub program from another, and libraries
> Van: Niklas Brunlid <e96nbr@efd.lth.se>
> And third, does anyone have any links to or info about
> methods with priorities and/or memory management? I seem to have lost my
> Tanenbaum book... :(
Tanenbaum? Do you also have a copy of the ACK lying around, maybe? I'd like
that, but probably you won't have it.
For multitasking/timeslicing you could read "The Art of ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE
PROGRAMMING" by Randall Hyde. My browser ate my bookmarks, so I can't tell
you where I've found it... Try google (try searching for 'masm*', the
archive I downloaded was named such).
The document is about x86 (DOS) programming, but builds the assembly
examples around well structured problems. I should say, if you want very
indepth info, you might want to anywhere else.
Henk Poley <><