SD: linux clone dev


SD: linux clone dev

Trying to get a C written Linux Clone program to work. I'm working on the send function (with TI-GCC). Wondering if you knew what was wrong with this code:
if (strstr (command,"send ") != NULL ||       // deletes a file
    strstr (command,"send") != NULL)
 error = 0;
 if (strcmp (command,"send") == 0)
  printf ("%s\n","invalid repertory, what do you want to send?");
  if (command[3]  == ' ')
   namestr = strstr (command,"$ ") + 1;
   error = SendCalc (strcpy (TIOSname + 1, namestr) + strlen (namestr));  // sends function
   if (error == FALSE)
    printf ("%s\n","invalid file name, can't send that");
    printf ("%s %s %s\n", "file",namestr,"file sent");
   error = 1;