Re: SD: Shells on the 83+


Re: SD: Shells on the 83+

Members of the A83 mailing list have echoed your concerns about the feasability
of some of the ideas, and their neccesisity. The message I posted was not ment to
be a specification, but mearly a collection of ideas. I understand that programs
would have to be specifically written for it, here are the restrictions:-

* Programs cannot use interrupts
* Programs cannot use saferam areas, must use the external data space.
* Prograas must compensate for relocation if indexed addressing is being used.

I intend for this project to be educational, and I will do it for the sake of
doing it and for what I might learn from it. :-)

--Robin Kay-- wrote:

> I don't own an 83+, but I'd like to comment on your rather extravagant idea:
> The idea of multitasking on a calculator is very intriguing.  However, I'm
> not sure of the feasabilty of such an idea, or to what extent it has ever
> been tried before.
> I think that a system could be designed to allow useful task switching
> considering the capabilities of any of the flash-based calculators.  It would
> require, however, that programs be specifically designed to facilitate it.
> Standards would need to be established.  You would need to do a VERY good job
> on this, so people would accept it.  The main problem with this is the very
> low-level nature of asm - most programs are made to take full advantage of
> the calculator's cababilities.  Since it's unpredictable what memory usage
> goes on in a typical asm program, no ordinary programs could be multitasked.
> You would actually need to create your own system of relocating programs,
> starting them etc and completely disregard what TI has already done.  I think
> it is possible, but will be very difficult to do.  And then if nobody likes
> your ideas all that work will be for nothing because nobody will develop for
> your shell.
> Some of your other ideas seem a bit extreme, some unnecessary.  I feel that
> taskswitching will be a very successful thing on calculators in the future.
> ~Adamman
> In a message dated 1/30/2000 6:04:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> >      Since it came on the market, Ion and recently the Ion-compatible
> >  Ice have been the only shells for the TI-83 Plus. I belive Ion was very
> >  useful becuase it allowed the far more common 83 programmers to easily
> >  bring their games and programes to the 83+ platfrom, it bridged the gap
> >  between the two systems. I belive the usefulness of Ion's portability
> >  will gradually decrease as more people get 83+'s and there are more 83+
> >  prgrammers, though this is of course purely my opinion. Here are some
> >  ideas for a new shell for the 83+.
> >
> >       Task Switching - Based on my experience with lightweight
> >  multi-threading on the PC, this shouldn't be too difficult to implement
> >  (Note: I'm talking about Real Mode, not protected mode register bank
> >  switching). The Timer interrupt could be used to pole the keyboard for a
> >  certain key press combo, when this happens the interrput handler simple
> >  loads the stack pointer with the address of different program's stack
> >  space and when the interrupt returns it will load up the other programs
> >  registers and program counter. The handler would also have to preserve
> >  and restore the screen. Also, providing the program didn't screw up to
> >  badly the task switcher would allow a kind of crash protection.
> >
> >       Event/IPC Model - Since the shell uses the interrupts it should
> >  provide applications with the ability to load event handlers to keep
> >  track of what going on. For example, an event handler dealing with link
> >  port could run a background file transfer while another application is
> >  running. The way I see this working is libraries being the event
> >  handlers. Once a library is loaded, the system makes calls into it to
> >  notify it of events (ie. timer), and programs make calls into it to
> >  check it's status. For example, a mouse library would be notified on the
> >  timer event and it would check if the current program had enabled it,
> >  then if so it would check the key pad arrows to see if the mouse had
> >  been moved and then update the display. Programs could then call the
> >  mouse handler to check it's position, if it had been clicked, etc. Event
> >  handlers that were not notified of any events would be libraries in the
> >  traditional sense. While this might be quite slow it would be a very
> >  powerful feature, and at least it would very interesting if only for the
> >  educational value.
> >
> >       Public Data Manager - Programs that save data (ie. hiscores) into
> >  their program file irritate my hugely. It was a great on concept on the
> >  83 when their was no archive but it is a real pain on the plus. When you
> >  are constantly moving programs from the archive it presents two problems
> >  a) If you want to preserve this data you have to regroup the program in
> >  archive, b) In the case of hiscores most programs don't let you reset
> >  it, so you have to re-unarchive the program or re-obtain it via graph
> >  link to reset it. A public data manager would keep a key & value table
> >  of data (think java.utils.Hashtable) which would be stored externally in
> >  an AppVar. Even if you deleted the program from RAM you would retain the
> >  data and if you wanted to remove the data you could clear the entry from
> >  the PDM.
> >
> >       Virtual Directory Structure - The PDM could be used to store
> >  records for each program program, saying what directory it is in. Thus
> >  programs could be placed in folders, and I've just illustrated another
> >  use for the PDM. I think there is a module for Ion that does this but
> >  I'm not sure.
> >
> >       Additional Archive Space - The 83+ has areas of the archive space
> >  that are reserved for Applications (64Kb). Theoretically this space
> >  could be used to store data (ie. more programs), this woudn't need TI
> >  signing becuase you're not running the program from the archive. There
> >  might be problem if TI-OS does some kind of validity check of the
> >  archive on start-up, it might declare the archive invalid and clear it
> >  but I don't know.
> >
> >       This new kind of shell would allow a fundimental change in the way
> >  the 83+ is used. From what I gather people use the 83+ as if it was an
> >  83, just using the archive space as a backup storage area. RAM should be
> >  used more as temporary storage area and the FLASH-ROM more as the
> >  hard-disk. Thus programs are stored in the FLASH-ROM and reallocated
> >  into the RAM when needed, with the PDM used to store data. If my idea
> >  about extra archive space is valid then the archive space can be
> >  extended from 160KB to 224KB (according to TIs FLASH-ROM page usage map
> >  in the SDK). This new shell will undoubtedly be bigger than Ion, but
> >  with a shift toward using the FLASH-ROM as the main storage area the
> >  amount of RAM space will become less important. Becuase of the
> >  background processing it will also be a bit slower, but I still think
> >  the advantages outway the problems. If you want to use multi-tasking
> >  you're are more likely to be switching between your peridoic table and
> >  the game of Tertis you're playing on the side, than between two fast
> >  paced action games. Emulators to perform the lower level functions of
> >  the calculator (ie. Maths) within the multi-tasking enviroment will be
> >  important and useful, perhaps an emulator of a simpler calculator would
> >  also be useful . For example you caould emualte a normal "desk"
> >  calculator as I often find it's easier to perform simple calculations
> >  with a simpler calculator (and it would be smaller and simpler to
> >  program).
> >       Well, I'm finished with preaching about great the 83+ is and so I'm
> >  going to go off and try writting a program to demonstrate lightweight
> >  multi-threading. However I still don't understand enough about
> >  reallocation to try and write that part of it. Program's origins are set
> >  at 9327h, either when a program is run it is copied to that address in
> >  memory before it is run or any instructions in the program that use
> >  absolute addressing are changed at runtime to reflect it's location in
> >  memory. Obviously only the second system would work in a multitasking
> >  system, and first system would waste 8k of RAM. Has anyone got any more
> >  precise details on how Ion and TI-OS handle relocation? Please reply to
> >  the suggestion with you opinions... Note that this is being cross-posted
> >  (Uck! I know...) to both the Shell Developers mailing list and the A83
> >  mailing list so please keep this in mind when posting your reply. If
> >  anyone is interested in collaborating on then please contact me at
> >, only use this address ( for
> >  private e-mail when the other one is down (Their are complex reason for
> >  this... I have an address for mailing lists and I get so many e-mails on
> >  it that I ocassionally miss one...  etc... etc...). Is this shell a good
> >  idea?? Please reply!!
> >
> >  --Robin Kay--
> >
> >  PS: Does anyone know what .db $BB,$6D does at the beginning of the Ion
> >  header?
> >  PPS: I think TSE (Task Switching Enviroment) is good name for this
> >  shell? Opinions?

Follow-Ups: References: